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Bio en Español

After four decades of being part of this beautiful Earth, I may think that I have all the answers to life’s questions. I’ve lived through so many incredible experiences, situations, happy moments, not so happy moments, dramas, wonderful times, lots of changes.. that it feels like there is nothing left for me to learn. But the reality is that I have only been walking through my journey my custom made journey that has all the teachings and lessons prepared for me. I still have a long way to go and the most important thing I’ve learned to do is to surrender and EnJOY the ride.


I’m grateful for all the wonderful people that have accompanied me on this long voyage so far.  My family, friends, and even the not so friendly people that have showed up in my life are very important to me; they are the ones from who I learn all of these lessons and with whom I share my path. I’m constantly looking within and using all the tools that resonate to my heart to improve and grow as a human being, always trying to keep my essence and be genuine. Following teachings from great people with incredible wisdom and a beautiful message such as Shaktiananda Ma, Elizabeth SarahOr, Gloria Garcia Araujo, Kane Tuma, Ray Of Light, Brian Johnson, Deepak Chopra, Paulo Coelho, don Miguel Ruiz, Byron Katie, Tony Robbins, Joe Vitale, Mastin Kipp, Oprah, Napoleón Hill, Louise Hay, Brian Weiss, Marianne Williamson, Alejandro Jodorowsky, Rumi, Eckhart Tolle, Yehuda Berg, and Dalai Lama.. just to name a few, is a big part of my life.


Throughout the years I’ve come to understand that the power of intention and action leads to creation. I obtained my high school education at Colegio Jefferson and my industrial engineer degree at Universidad Catølica Andres Bello in Venezuela. Later, I traveled to the United States to complete the MBA program at Florida International University in Miami, Florida. During the years of my career building myself a spot in the corporate world, I had the privilege of working for prestigious companies such as PepsiCo / Frito Lay in Venezuela, at the Innovation area, and United Parcel Service aka UPS in Miami, FL, at the Pricing area. 


Even though working for these amazing companies brought a lot of knowledge and experience to my professional career, I decided to embark in a whole new episode of my life, therefore I've ventured to assist Startups and Small-sized businesses, focused on Innovation and with a sense of Social Responsibility.  Shortly after I made this decision to begin a new chapter in my professional career, from my passion for conscious branding, social media marketing, and event planning, @viaArete was born. This branding firm not only carries out my passion for marketing and project management, but also helps me become involved in conscious projects as well as charity events. Among a group of close friends, we established, a non-profit organization focused on creating projects based on a conscious, prosperous, and peaceful 
Venezuela, fulfilling my desire to serve and help the community and the environment.


I’ve been able to prove myself that it is true that when we are consciously being present in the NOW and are aligned with our hearts on the decisions that we make and the paths we choose, everything falls into place and evolves in abundance of light and growth.


Now, let me shortly tell you about my hobbies and extracurricular activities. After all, everything in life is balance and we should all have these little passions that give us time for ourselves and show our individuality.  My biggest one is Kriya Yoga.


Since I was a little girl I’ve been interested in wellness practices for inner growth such as yoga and meditation. I believe that everything we project to the outside starts from the inside. My interest has expanded to studying and practicing Kriya Yoga, Reiki, Astrology, The Reconnection and Reconnective Healing, Akashic Records readings, Aromatherapy, Numerology, Angel therapy, and Feng Shui. Following wellness practices I’ve also challenged myself to keep a healthier life, and back in 2010 I joined for a few years the world of cycling. My biggest accomplishment was riding 150 miles at the Zimmerman MS Bike Ride. About a decade ago, I found what came to be my souls gas station in participating and collaborating with the organization of Emmaus retreats at St. Hugh’s church. I’ve never worked with such a pure hearted people with an incredible desire to help and serve others. I EnJOY as well everything related to theatre, Flamenco dancing, movies, photography, reading, traveling, laughing, tons of laughing, and learning a bit of everything! 


I hope you liked my story or at least found it interesting enough to read until this part. If you have, let me thank you for visiting and invite you to explore the rest of my website, so you can find out more about a person just like you with a world in the making!



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