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Socially Conscious Work

Gratitude and love are always multiplied when you give freely! 


It's essential to donate a good time of your life to socially conscious organizations, here are the ones I support the most. 

If you'd like to support any of these organizations, please email me: 

Social initiative dedicated to research, design and promote solutions
that can help solve the problems of Venezuela.

Nonprofit organization that mobilizes youth volunteers to fight extreme poverty in Latin America, by constructing transitional housing and implementing social inclusion programs.

Democratic International Network –
Civil Organization focused on promoting democratic values ​​and on creating projects based on a conscious Venezuela.


Network of volunteers
oriented to provide care to children,
adolescents and elderly in underserved communities. 



Fe y Alegria Miami - 

An initiative to raise awareness and engage support for education, as a powerful tool for social change, in Latin America and Africa.

Conscious work always result in a sustainable win-win-win for everyone!

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